Saturday, 27 October 2007

Train Your Brain

While I was at home this summer most members of my family, young and old, became rabidly addicted to a Nintendo DS game called 'Dr Kawashima's Brain Training.' The aim of the game is to visit daily and complete a series of tasks which apparently work different areas of your brain; calculations, reading out loud, spelling, memory games, drawing, sudoku and others. Dr Kawashima, a slightly rounded, bespectacled graphic then caluclates your 'brain age.' The ideal brain age is 23, so players, who start somewhere around a brain age of 50/60, are motivated to keep returning to the game. It really is addictive! By the time I left for uni, I was at 25. Not bad.

The BBC have reported on the successful use of this game by a group of primary school children, and its "dramatic" results in improving maths and concentration. It's these kind of games which are fun and challenging that should be being taken advantage of in schools, and elsewhere, for that matter!

Read the news story here.
About 'Brain Training' on Wikipedia.
Another BBC article about the game.

1 comment:

The Python said...

Mental mathematics is very important. I think these can be very useful.