Tuesday, 9 October 2007

There's a hole in the blogosphere

This week's ICT lesson was on blogging, and I'm now the proud owner of a shiny new ICT related blog. This won't be the first time i've blogged, but I forgot my password so couldn't just use the same account - I'm such a great model for the children!

It's an interesting idea, using blogs in school. I hadn't really thought of it before, but I can see some advantages in it. There is the small worry about having photos of children on the web but I'm sure that could be combatted by a simple letter home. Or, in fact, by not blogging about things that will involve photographing the children. Aside from that, it's a good chance for children to say what they want, independently and about whatever subjects interest them. I like the idea of making a journal of a specific unit of work or school trip, for example.

So, all in all (prepare yourself for a tenuous link to a photo!), blogs in schools are a good move...

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