Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Beat the Bully

It is officially National Anti-Bullying Week this week (19th - 23rd November) and there's exciting things afoot.

Bullying Prevention charity, Beatbullying, has teamed up with YouTube to create a video channel where children, young people, teachers and more than a few celebrities can speak their mind about bullying. There's comments, v-logs and all sorts of links to various sources on there - well worth a visit.

This is where something like YouTube really shines. It can be used by anybody to reach so many people, raise awareness and inspire reactions and comments. There are several video messages on there from school classes around the country - what a great way to get children involved in ICT and an important national (and global) issue, too! This proves that V-logging, within a well protected and maintained forum, can be a real aid to the curriculum.

Links of note:
Anti-Bullying Week 19th-23rd November 2007
The Anti-Bullying Alliance
The Beatbullying YouTube channel
Beatbullying charity website

1 comment:

The Python said...

This does seem useful. However, we need a sustained programme of anti-bullying action, if it is to work.

YouTube could be used as a tool, but there are others, like Discussion Boards in schools. Children need to be able to use an alias to protect their identities.